This was a post of Kaos Evangelista Jr in his Facebook account in response to all those people who has "issues" with people working in the Call Center. I will have my share of post too, later on. =) Following a heartfelt complain by a former workmate about having heard this phrase, I could not help but write this in defense. Yes I am a Law graduate, and yes I have worked in the call center industry during my days thinking that this phrase meant that call center is as menial as they say it is... but you know what.... This phrase pisses me off a lot. Why? There is such a huge discrimination when one hears a person is working in a call center. Companies even have specific rules for application for loan, credit card, phone line and so many other things if you are working in a call center, and if you say call center, you can hear the aah of disappointment in their tones. Sad thing is, do these people actually know how freaking hard it is to get in a call center from the initial in