Love Notes to Live by Joe d' Mango 1. Always remember that when we lose someone we love, there will be pain in our hearts. But when there is pain, there will be strength and courage, and with that, there will always be the hope of finding someone who will love us and someone we can love even more. 2. Sometimes we just have to control our feelings for someone. Truth is, our feelings doesn't know what's right or wrong. That's why our minds reason with us so there can be balance. Otherwise, we would always trip as we aimlessly follow what our hearts dictate. 3. A relationship will always need trust and faith. Trust, so you could keep a relationship strong, and faith, so you can build a strong foundation of love that could weather all storms to make it last for as long as you wish to. 4. A relationship is a two way street. It's never all your fault, nor is it all the fault of your partner. Both of you have to work together to make it work. And, rememb