I was scheduled for personal appearance in DFA the other day and it was a disappointing yet interesting experience. Thanks to some friends who were thoughtful enough to give me some tips and i was able to be there in one piece. I was advised to bring 3 more pictures because the initial pictures i submitted were rejected. The representative said, it was blurry. So i decided to just have my picture taken right there. Thinking that since it's in DFA, it would be perfect. But i was wrong. I kinda felt that it was a scam that the 2nd set of pictures I'm supposed to submit were rejected again by the "guy-in-blue-vest-mr.-know-it-all" and he said that those pictures where yellowish and would not pass Mr. DFA's requirement. Of course I had to have my picture taken again so I can enter Mr. DFA's kingdom. Then i entered his building. I passed two security checks where they checked on my things unlike the usual mall check ups where they just put the stick inside your ba